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GMO crops could potentially have negative effects on human health besides the positive outcomes.  when transferring genes into different crops, allergic reactions occur to the consumers body.  Researchers used a certain gene from the Brazil nut to increase the production of Methionine in soy beans. The transfer of this gene immediatley  provokes allergic reactions to the soy bean in those with known nut allergies, but no previous allergy to the soy bean, according to the product developer, Pioneer Hi-Bred. 




Since GMOs are still current to the environment, we do not know all the negative effects. There are fears that an environment can get destroyed due to the GMO that was planted there. There have been a few crops that scientist try to destroy, but percentages of it are still around the world.


Animals or other organisms in the environment can be harmed due to the pesticides on the crop. If an animal eats the crop, they can become very sick and potentially die. This can ruin the food chain by animals becoming extinct in an area, or worldwide. Animals that are existing as a food resource are most likely to eat crops and become sick. This will lead to bigger animals not having food and dying.

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